New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation, offered prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters, provides incoming students with helpful information and resources to ensure their smooth transition to college.

By participating in New Student Orientation, students will:

  • receive a brief introduction to the college;
  • learn about academic and student support services; activities, clubs and organizations; and college athletics;
  • be introduced to WIReD (the Web-based tool to complete and track course registration, financial aid, scheduling and bill payment), D2L Brightspace (online learning platform) and other online resources for students;
  • get a college ID and manage immunization records with College Health Services staff.

We ask that students attend New Student Orientation by themselves since the focus of the presentation is about their college success. Transfer students, parents and families are invited to attend a Student Services Information Day to learn more about the college and student resources.

Who Needs to Participate

New Student Orientation is required for new students entering a degree or certificate program, including new high school graduates and those who have not attended college after graduating from high school (or obtaining a GED/HSE). Students are invited to participate once they've been accepted to the college and after completing or being waived from academic placement testing.


Transfer students and students enrolling in the following  programs are required to attend the program-based orientation events instead of New Student Orientation: Dental Assisting; Dental Hygiene; Mortuary Science; Nursing; Paramedic certificate and Surgical Technology programs.

These students will receive academic advisement and orientation within the department before the semester begins.

How to Participate

Students accepted for the fall semester will be invited to register to attend orientation beginning in February. Those accepted for the spring semester will be invited to register to attend orientation beginning in October. Orientation takes approximately two hours and students should register to attend once invited to do so.

Orientation is offered in-person and online.

  • To attend an in-person orientation, please use the New Student Orientation Registration form to schedule your session.
  • Orientation in an online format is available for students who: live more than one hour from campus; are enrolled in an online program; have extenuating circumstances which prevent them from attending in person. To inquire about online orientation, please contact us at (please include your full name and date of birth) or call (518) 629-7705.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started

Get in Touch

Orientation Site

Amstuz Hall, Room 201

Orientation Office Staff

Guenther Enrollment Services Center, Room 228
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.